Ibi Ayo x Your Workplace

Ibi Ayo is proud to offer workplace interventions to help organizations and their employees function at their best. 


Mental Wellness Workshops

A recent report on employee mental health revealed that stress, anxiety, fatigue and burnout are the leading factors of poor employee mental health. 

Mental Wellness workshops create an avenue for employers to address employee stressors and negate the potential damaging effects by providing tools to manage mental health and allowing for better productivity and engagement at work. 

Ibi Ayo aims to collaborate with employers by providing mental wellness workshops suited to meet organization needs.

We will take our time to understand the unique needs of your organization and offer insight on how to best support your employees with the right topics, tools and educational resources.


Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the loss of productivity resulting from mental disorders costs the global economy $1 trillion each year. 

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a way in which employers can support the mental and emotional well-being of their employees. 

EAP is a work-based intervention designed to assist employees in resolving personal problems and promote overall employee wellbeing through short-term therapy sessions.

Ibi Ayo currently offers EAP services to small & medium-sized organizations. We aim to provide short-term individual therapy sessions, wellness check-ins, and other relevant activities that promote employee productivity and improved stress management skills. 

Interested in Ibi Ayo’s Workplace Interventions?

Get in touch with us to begin the journey of mental wellness for your organization!